Thursday, August 27, 2009


Why do we spend so much time trying to better ourselves? It is the nature of humankind to be imperfect, I am a strong believer in this. So whats the point?
Today I saw a good person do a bad thing and it made me angry. I don't normally get angry...its a feeling I can't stand and I generally avoid it. I understand now why this person decided it was okay to hurt my feelings but at the time it made me yell, throw things and punch on the gas in my car much too hard. I guess you could say I had the equivalent of a three year olds temper tantrum.
I spend a huge part of my day trying to do the right thing, be the best person I can be and make a positive impact on the people and places around me. Why then, are good people influenced to settle for making wrong choices and treating others like crap, especially when they seem like they might finally be on the right road?
This situation is complicated and confusing. People have spent thousands of years trying to figure out human nature, and every theory under the sun has been posited.
When you boil down to it, human beings are imperfect, both physically and mentally. If we were perfect we'd be robots, and clearly we have not achieved this yet. Personally, I think that would be quite boring.
As a kid, you easily sort people into two categories, the bad guys and the good guys. You always consider yourself one of the good guys. Its always Optimus Prime vs Megatron or Harry Potter vs Voldemort and you always identify with O.P. or H.P., no matter what. Growing older makes you see things more in gray and less in black and white, which is why we constantly find ourselves longing for better days gone by. Most of the time the gray area in my life and I get along pretty well, I understand that its there and that one day I might understand it and it usually keeps to itself and tries to not be too annoying. Today the gray area and I got into a fight. Is he still a good guy? Yes. Did he hurt my feelings? Yes.
The reason I'm not still throwing inanimate objects at my wall or car window is because I realize that sometimes there is no clear easy way out of his situation, and he's stuck between a rock and a hard place and in his brain, I'm the one who its easier to hurt. It sucks, but that's life. You cant always have daisies and roses and sunshine (although LA's weather today seems to be making a good case for the argument that you definitely can) but if you keep your wits about you, you can learn to be okay with this fact, and enjoy the times when there ARE those wonderful things around you.
I guess the general goal of humankind is to achieve the perfection we lack and annoying situations like today are stepping stones on the path to this goal. Two steps forward, one step back.

I hope this wasn't a bunch of gibberish...I hardly ever edit what I write, so things can sometimes come out slightly jumbled. Lets hope tomorrow brings more clarity.

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