Monday, August 31, 2009

tool academy

I was really unproductive today. Apart from my 11 am acupuncture appointment I've literally sat in my apartment all day, and the whole time I was kicking myself for sitting on the couch, watching TV and eating goldfish. Yes, goldfish, that yummy snack reminiscent of 8th grade. Thus is the life of a college student sometimes, I suppose. I spend so much time trying to be the best person I can be and today did not reflect that at all.
I didn't even change the channel once. The tv was still on VH1, the same channel I was watching after I got home from work on saturday night. I started with the show "Tool Academy", moved on to "My Antonio" then abandoned ship by the time "Celebrity Feuds" or whatever its called came on. I literally watched more trashy TV today than I have in the last year combined. What I find upsetting though, is that there are actually people who follow this religiously, have those shows programmed on their DVR and can discuss the intimate details of the lives of the people on reality shows. "Reality". Does a large portion of the population really believe that these shows reflect true life?
Take "Tool Academy" for example. What could have possibly attracted those girls to such... tools, in the first place? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me! To get to the point where their girlfriends have to drag them all the way to a reality tv show to fix awful boyfriends clearly these guys are not on their first, second, or even third offense. What self respecting girl would give a guy who fucked up so much any more chances? I'm not talking little offenses either, like leaving the toilet seat up or checking out another girls rack once in a while. One girl caught her boyfriend in bed with another girl, had him lie to her, and stayed with him, only to bring him to tool academy a year and a half later after still not being over it!
Some guys issues go beyond general douchebaggery, one guy clearly had self image and self esteem issues beyond the norm to the point where it seemed like it would cause anxiety attacks. His poor girlfriend, although upset and frustrated with him, saw him flip a shit after being eliminated and just gently tried to calm him down and get him to leave quietly without standing up for herself. I literally saw the first month or so of my relationship with sean flash across the television screen and it totally sent me for a loop. I really hope that girl finds the strength to understand that she cant fix him or be his reason for getting up in the morning and ends up being able to move on with her life.
I digress though. My point is that I'm a little upset that this is how american life is being portrayed on TV... I dont think that those TV shows reflect the American life I have, but then again I do live in west los angeles, aka a bubble. I really hope my bubble doesn't pop, I don't want to end up dragging my own boyfriend to the "Tool Academy" 5 years from now.

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